The Made in L.A. Writers want to thank everyone who came out to see us at this year’s L.A. Times Festival of Books! We enjoyed meeting and speaking with many of you this past weekend while we manned—and womanned—Booth #835, which we plan to return to next year.
The headline for this past weekend is that, with your fantastic support, we SOLD OUT of our first anthology, Made in L.A.: Stories Rooted in the City of Angels. We planned our initial print run to be ambitious compared to sales of our individual books last year, and we still came home with zero-zilch-nada!
We are also very pleased to announce that the anthology will soon be carried at bookstores across Los Angeles, which feels like a huge achievement for a few plucky indie authors. You can pick up the book now from DIESEL, A Bookstore, Skylight Books, and The Last Bookstore, and soon it will appear on the shelves in additional bookstores in Los Angeles. We’ll make announcements about other bookstores, including readings by contributors, throughout the summer.
The anthology is also available on in print and ebook, so you can pick it up there as well if you don’t have it already.
Regardless of how the anthology may end up in your hands, though, we appreciate your feedback. In the lead-up to the festival, you may have seen our pictures of the anthology around town—at bookstores, restaurants, libraries, and even Union Station! We want to encourage you to continue this tradition if you are out and about with your anthology and show us where you read it.

Be sure to tag us in the photo @madeinlawriters on Twitter @MadeInLAWriters and Instagram @madeinlawriters.
We’ve received a few great reviews so far, but we’d love to have more! Please consider adding a rating for the book and your comments on the anthology’s Amazon page or on Goodreads. We welcome all feedback about our anthology, as we hope to produce additional volumes in the future!
Our authors—Allison Rose, Cody Sisco, and Gabi Lorino—also had a great time finding new readers and reconnecting with established readers at this year’s fest. The Festival of Books is usually a great time, but this year was outstanding. We owe you all a big THANK YOU… because without you, we couldn’t do what we do.
Made in L.A. Writers